Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The New Normal

I don't think I've reached it yet.  We're still unpacking, searching for that one item that we always seem to need and can never find, and trying to figure out what sort of schedule we should have.  I have one who needs more encouragement in the potty training department and another who is trying to transition from two naps a day to one.  Not to mention we're trying to get everyone to sleep in and not wake up at 5:30 every morning since there's no longer a need to wake up that early.

Me- I'm just trying to figure out this stay at home thing, which I am kind of too tired to deal with at the moment.  Maybe in another month when we've unpacked some more and I've had time to rest.  I've been going full-speed for so long I don't really know what it's like to stop and rest for a while.  Yesterday was my first true day of being a stay at home mom and I didn't stop to rest one bit.  Well, except for sitting down and playing with Aric and Kellyn for awhile.  Even when they were napping I was making phone calls and trying to get things done before Ryan came home from work.

I don't want to exhaust myself in my new "job position" and, yet, I have no idea where the balance point is.  On one hand I think that I should have a clean house, laundry folded and put away and dinner well on its way when Ryan comes home at the end of the day. Isn't that part of my job description after all?  On the other hand, I realize that's not quite realistic.  By 9:30 yesterday morning I was already wearing my third pair of jeans for the day.  I have two kids, two very young kids and things happen.  Days never go according to plan and those two little ones are notorious for emptying toy bins in an incredibly short amount of time.  Besides their well-being, security and happiness are a large part of my reason for staying home.  They don't notice if the house is spotless or if dinner is perfect and they deserve a mom who gives them her time and attention.

I guess, I don't know what the new normal will be.  I'm sure I'll figure it out as I go.  For now, I guess I'll get back to work and prep dinner while I wait for the fence guy to call me back and the Sears guy to show up and fix my dishwasher.

1 comment:

Cristen said...

Still trying to figure it out myself :) Eddie and I do a lot of back and forthing about how much should be getting 'done' during the day, and I remind him that we chose this situation so that our child was being cared for by one of us - not so that the house was sparkling clean all the time. Playing and tearing up the house tends to take priority over cleaning it these days. Hope you get some down time soon!