Friday, June 19, 2009

And the Name Is...

...not going to be revealed until the baby is born. Sorry if you were excited for a moment. We received much grief over what we were intending to name Aric and after the trauma of a last minute name change, (Yes, I said trauma. You try being 9 months pregnant and get told the day before your induction that the name you planned on using all along wasn't going to work.) we decided to keep this name close.

I was asked yesterday how the baby is doing. Fine, I guess. It sounds cavalier, but I don't really give it much thought. The subsequent pregnancy isn't like the first pregnancy. I don't have the time to concentrate on every moment of being pregnant and I've been through this all before. I feel her move daily and I'm growing bigger and getting more uncomfortable, which are all good signs. I just don't have the time nor the inclination to pour over registries, baby sites, and books like I did with Aric.

I know that in less than four months I will need to install another car seat, set up a crib or at least the bassinet, pull the bouncer and swing out of storage and purchase smaller diapers. Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to this baby and can't wait to meet her, but I'm just too tired and preoccupied to get as excited as I was with Aric. Life has changed quite a bit!


carrie said...

What's the story behind Aric's name change? How did I miss this?

mommy to Kaden, Brody and angel Ava said...

I was wondering too, why did you have to change the name you were intending to use???

Sooo, I am not sure what kind of bouncy seat you have...but if it is boyish and you are looking for a girly one I am so the gal for you!!! Right now Brody is using a pink bouncy that we had gotten as a gift for Ava, so if you want to make a trade I'm all for it :). Everyone keeps telling me that he won't know, but it really doesn't look right with him surrounded by all of the pink, lol!!! Don't feel pressured into it, I am so looking to buy one off of craigslist or something, just thought I would throw that out there, just in case.


Unknown said...

I think as long as you don't name her "Olive", you'll be fine. :)