Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Day

Yesterday marked our first snow of the season, kind of late, I know.  I take full responsibility for it, though. I prayed earnestly for the last couple of months that it wouldn't snow, that God would allow us to be moved into our new house before it snowed.  You see, Ryan's uncle mowed the brush at the end of the driveway out at the farm in early November.  It looked nice, but I was afraid that with it gone it wouldn't act as a deterrent for the snow to drift over the driveway.  It has happened before and my car has been stuck in it.  I could envision myself getting stuck and having to carry two little kids a 1/4 mile in the bitter cold to get to the house.  So, I prayed that God would keep the snow at bay and He did.  Whether it was truly because of my prayers or part of His bigger plan, I don't know, but we're moved out and safely in our new house no longer worried about getting stuck in the driveway.

The snow came and came and kept coming.  I think we probably have around eight inches.  Having gone to college in Minnesota I am quite aware of how small a number eight inches is.  Though it didn't seem that small when I was out shoveling the driveway yesterday.  I'm still paying for that today with some extremely sore muscles.

The kids enjoyed the view from inside in their cozy pajamas.   

Aric was pretty excited.

Kellyn has no idea what snow is and just watched through the windows as it fell.

After Daddy came home from work, Aric went outside with him.  Kellyn was still napping and missed the excursion outdoors.  I only took a couple of photos of Aric before my battery died and I went back inside.  I was still pretty cold from shoveling during nap time and just wanted to be in the warm house.

I'm not sure that we'll make it back outside to play in the snow today.  It's supposed to be a whole 12 degrees as the high.  A little too chilly for a little girl who refuses to keep her mittens on.  Maybe when it warms up a bit we'll make it back out to play in the snow.

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