Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Superman, He is Not

The other night Aric was climbing up our stairs right before his bath time. He's a daring little boy and has no concept of cause and effect at this point in time. He was two steps up when he decided to turn around and jump off of the stairs and fly land on his face. When the blood and crying subsided, Ryan was able to discover that Aric chipped his top, left, front tooth. Ooops!

We took Aric to the dentist yesterday morning just to make sure everything was alright. From what little the dentist could see, apparently 14 month olds aren't very cooperative in the dentist chair, Aric has a definite chip and a bruised gum. Since Aric is still eating and drinking well they aren't going to do anything for him at this time. We were given instructions on what to watch for if the tooth becomes worse and the name of a pediatric dentist in case we need to bring him in again.


We had a huge breakthrough this week with Aric eating solid foods. Out of nowhere he decided to actually try new foods and not just throw them all on the floor. We still have a ways to go to get him to eat main dishes and veggies, but I can see the light at the end of the pureed baby food tunnel.


In case you thought I've been remiss in posting about my latest OB appointment, I haven't seen him yet. Thursday, the day of my appointment, I made it into town before I received a call from the receptionist who was rescheduling my appointment because my OB was tied up in an emergency surgery. We rescheduled for Friday morning. Which meant I came home from work and grabbed four hours of sleep before I needed to get up to go to my appointment. On Friday, I made it to the street where my OB's office is located before I received a call from the receptionist saying my OB was tied up in a delivery. It's hard to be mad at an OB who tries to deliver all of his patient's babies. Especially because I want him to be there to deliver my baby. I was more upset that I could've still been sleeping in bed. Oh, well. My appointment is scheduled for this afternoon. Third time's the charm, right?

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