Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I finally made it in to see my OB yesterday afternoon. He was a little behind for the day because he had another emergency surgery in the morning. I let Aric explore the exam room while we waited. At least, I let him explore until he found the speculum drawer and wouldn't leave it alone. Back in the stroller for him.

-The baby is still doing well and has a good heartbeat. She's still big and if she continues on the same course she could possibly weigh around 8-1/2 to 9-1/2 pounds. It will be interesting to see how big she actually ends up being.

-The OB doesn't intend to move up my surgery date due to the baby's size. He said the soonest he would let her come was 38-1/2 weeks. I'm scheduled to have her at 38 weeks, 6 days which is close enough. I like the thought of her being born on Oct 12th since the date has special meaning for Ryan and me. In addition we already have daycare lined up for Aric and my mom will be in town and is allowed to be in the OR with us for the baby's delivery. I don't see a point in pushing everything up a couple of days.

-The baby has nestled in on my right side. My OB was laughing because it makes me extremely lopsided. My outie belly button is actually on my left side not in the center as it should be.

-We will have another ultrasound at 35 or 36 weeks to check on the state of the abruption. Lately I'm only having minor pain with it. It probably helps that the baby is nestled in on the opposite side.

-I am now on some medicine for my acid reflux. I have had more problems with that this time around than when I was pregnant with Aric. After a horrible day of reflux yesterday, I was feeling much better last night after only one dose of the new medicine. Hopefully that feeling will continue.

I see the Dr again next week and he said they'll schedule my ultrasound at that appointment. For now we're still taking it one day at a time and extremely grateful that she's still in there growing and developing.

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