Tuesday, September 15, 2009

One Last Time

Today was my final ultrasound to check up on the abruption and the baby's size.  Last night Ryan had asked me if I wanted him to go with me to the appointment.  I told him he could go if he wanted, but I didn't need him to go with me.  I had an ultrasound late in pregnancy with Aric and I knew what to expect.  By this point in pregnancy the baby is so big and the amount of fluid is so small comparatively that it's hard to clearly see the baby.  I also haven't been too worried about the abruption anymore.  Ryan, instead, volunteered to watch Aric during my appointment.  I took him up on the offer.

The baby looked exactly like I expected her to- hard to see!  She does have huge, chunky cheeks and a head full of hair.  She's still really healthy and doing well in there.  The sonotech was so concerned about her size that I had to remind her to check up on the abruption.  The reason I haven't been too worried about the abruption is because I haven't had any more bleeding and I only have random pain from the area now.  I actually have more pain from the baby punching and kicking it than from the abruption itself.  The abruption is still discernable; however, what can be seen is old blood.  There is no new visible blood.

As far as the baby's size, she is estimated to weigh 6lbs, 7oz.  I still have just under four weeks left before I am scheduled to deliver her.  They are guessing she'll be around Aric's birth weight of 8lbs, 5oz.  At least I don't have to deliver her naturally.

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