Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Checkup, California and a New Bag

I've been thinking for a little while that it's about time for Aric to get a haircut, and after looking at this picture from this morning:

I really think the time has come.  I love the curls and shagginess, but it is getting a little too shaggy.

We took Aric to the doctor yesterday for his 15 month checkup.  He's doing really well and he's tall and skinny for his age.  I don't mind either, especially because he will always be at risk for being overweight and having diabetes since I had gestational diabetes when pregnant with him.  We found out that he'll need one more shot at his 18 month checkup and then he'll have a break until he's four.  That was nice to hear since I hate having to help hold him down for shots.  I know they're good for him, but I don't want to hold him down!

And, yes, I said "we".  Ryan stayed home from work on Monday and Tuesday to hang out with us.  It was really nice to have him around.  He was gone all weekend in California for the UCLA and K-State game.

He and his friend, Curtis, have been planning on going to this game since they found out it was going to happen.  Curtis is from California and they had a great hook-up on the seats at the game and stayed with Curtis' family.

Laura spent the weekend at our house and took care of Aric while I worked.  The original plan, when I was working during the day, was that she and I would hang out in the evenings and she would stay overnight in case something happened.  It didn't quite work out that way since I work overnight now.  I knew Aric was in good hands, though.  I went to work and had a particularly long and atrocious weekend involving little sleep and working a 13 hour night on Saturday.  I took leave on Sunday because I was exhausted and just couldn't deal with people anymore.  That wasn't so bad, though, because it allowed me to sleep and have a longer "weekend".

Ryan did make it home safely.  I didn't have to inflict bodily harm on him, because I didn't go into labor while he was away.  (That was a possibility and I threatened him within an inch of his life if I had the baby while he was in California.)  He was happy to see the game in person, he bought a new pair of Oakley's and he brought me a new seatbelt bag:

It's a diaper bag made out of recycled seatbelts.  Ryan thought it would come in handy since it's large and we're going to have to haul around stuff for two kids pretty soon.  It also has a zipper closure, which our current bag doesn't have.  Without a closure Aric empties the bag rather quickly whenever he gets his hands on it.  It was a nice, practical surprise.

1 comment:

carrie said...

Great bag!

Nice one, Ryan. :)