Wednesday, January 25, 2012


A couple of weeks ago Ryan came home with a closet shelf.  I'm a closet slob or at least I was, but I'm trying to be better.  Ryan, the good husband that he is, decided he would help me out and provide more organization in my life.  He also provided me with a good reason to sort through the clothes and junk that were in my closet.  I must say, believe it or not, that my closet looks much better than it did before:

After I finished cleaning out and organizing my closet, Ryan decided to rearrange the furniture in our bedroom.  Our bed is huge and because I was getting up multiple times during the night with the kids I repeatedly ran into the foot board.  I had a never-ending bruise on my thigh.  It was I'm-glad-it's-not-short-season bad.

It was quite the endeavour rearranging all of that heavy furniture.  I am glad that we did it, though, because it really opened our room up:


You can't tell but there is a large dresser just out of the range of this photo on the left side.

We really like the extra room and I like not hitting my leg on the bed anymore.  Of course the kids haven't been sneaking in our room too much since we moved the furniture.

Lest you think we have lint all over our comforter, those are actually feathers.  I learned the hard way that you should carefully read the comforter description when you are trying to buy a down (and feather) free comforter.

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