Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Floating Shelves

Ever since we moved into our home Ryan and I have wanted to flank the tv downstairs with floating shelves.  The space around the tv was a huge void asking to have something fill it. Ryan has a collection of glasses from his travels around the world that needed to be displayed in a better way than lined up along the ledge.

We priced shelves, looked at projects to make our own, but couldn't find anything that we were happy with until last week.  Ryan found a project that involved using a hollow core door and a 2x4.  We bought the door and he made seven shelves of assorted sizes to hang on the wall.  I took a break from sewing to help him stain and varnish the shelves.  I think he did an amazing job.

The entire project only cost about $40 for materials and he still has enough door leftover to make more shelves.  I think that will be our project for this coming weekend.

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