Monday, February 7, 2011

The Case of the Missing Diaper Bag

My day has been horrible.  The main reason is I'm missing my diaper bag.  As silly as that sounds, not being able to find it has made me sick to my stomach.  It's not so much the contents of the bag but rather the bag itself.  It's the bag Ryan got me on his trip to California.  The bag that's made out of recycled seat belts and costs a small fortune.  Oh and by the way, they no longer make it.

It was in our truck, it's always in the truck.  I leave it in there fully stocked and ready to go in case we ever need it.  I saw it on Friday when I was grocery shopping and I'm pretty sure it was in there Saturday.  This morning it was gone.

In my most cynical-I-worked-as-a-dispatcher-for-too-long moments I wonder if we accidentally left our truck unlocked and someone took it.  Then I wonder if it was inadvertently misplaced somewhere.  Or is it somewhere in the garage or house?  I've looked everywhere, though, and can not find it.  I even called Ryan at work to see if it was in his vehicle. 

It has put me in a bad mood today.  If you see it, let me know, because I'm still looking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking the blackmail cards.