Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Beginning of Progress

On Saturday morning the contractor stopped by.  We discussed the changes we wanted to make and he sent us off to the store to pick out counter tops and cabinets.  We don't have too many options since we don't have the time nor the money to order anything custom.  Ryan and I are pretty flexible, though, and we can make do with what is in stock.  After dragging Ryan back and forth between Home Depot and Lowe's we finally made some choices and I'm kind of excited about them.  Here's a sneak peak at some things we have chosen:

For the record, that's the same green that the walls are already painted.  I kind of like it and want to keep it. 

The most exciting part of it all- I'm supposed to call tomorrow and schedule the tile installation for Feb 14th.  It's nice to know things are going to be put back together in not too much longer.

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