Friday, June 26, 2009

I Said I Wouldn't, But I Did...

I know I said I wouldn't read any parenting books, but I started one last night. I checked out a couple of books about picky eaters from the library. They were on a book list given to me by Aric's doctor at his last appointment. Hopefully I can gain some insight and helpful ideas on expanding Aric's diet. He wants to feed himself and we let him as much as we can, but since he won't eat more than a select few finger foods it's impossible right now. Last night we tried to give him a level 3 baby food again. All it did was create an unhappy dinner hour for the three of us. I want mealtimes to be happy, not sources of contention.

Ryan had a job interview yesterday afternoon. He thinks it went well and was told they probably won't have a decision made until mid-July. If he does get the job it will be locally and won't involve any major life changes, other than a change in the hours Ryan is supposed to work. I don't know if this is the job that God wants Ryan to have. Right now we're still trying to be patient and wait on His timing.

The new schedule at my work came out on Wednesday afternoon. As of August 2 I will be working Thurs-Sun 6pm-4am. That will be a huge adjustment, but it will be nice to be home with Aric more and not have to leave him in daycare. The only downside of the new schedule change, is that I'm afraid I'm going to be misused alot. They are already scheduling me to work a couple of midnight shifts to cover for other people's vacations in August. In addition they are already talking about having to make changes again if the new schedule just doesn't work out or if people quit and we have a shortage at work. This will be my fourth schedule change in the past two years. I know I get paid well, but money isn't everything and I'm not sure it will be worth staying if they keep trying to move me around and disrupt my life.

It was fun being home with Aric yesterday. He decided he was going to walk around the house as much as possible. It makes me giggle watching him walk like baby Frankenstein with his arms straight in front of him for balance, especially if he's holding something. I'm sure it won't be long before he's running, though, I don't know that I'm quite ready to chase him.

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