Thursday, February 5, 2009

Dr. House

These are the items I'm taking with me to the pediatrician. (We have an appt at 1:15.) Aric ate nothing new yesterday and these are the only items that he was exposed to yesterday.

I really don't think it was the Johnson & Johnson's soothing balm. We did put that on his cheeks, but it was before lunch and his reaction was after 7pm. Ryan had the Gold Bond lotion on his hands and we're not sure how much Aric was actually around the lotion. Ryan suspects the makeup. I kissed Aric before bath and Aric kissed me back. It was the first time he had done it and in typical baby fashion he pretty much open-mouth licked my cheek. The makeup isn't new, but the kisses were.

Hopefully we can figure out what his allergy is. If we don't know what it is, then we can't keep him away from it and it'll only get worse. I think this one is a keeper!


mommy to Kaden, Brody and angel Ava said...

How scary. I hope you find an answer. I am happy that everything was ok though and that it wasn't worse.

Carmen said...

I hope he doesn't have any more reactions so you don't even have to think about it again. That's concerning! However, isn't that the greatest thing...getting slobbery kisses from your baby!?!