Friday, October 7, 2011

Warm Days of Fall

Lately, we have had some really nice, warm days.  In addition to caring for me, the kids and the house while I recover, my hard-working husband has taken advantage of those days and dug up our fence posts. 

After digging them out, he mixed up concrete and poured it in to reinforce the posts. 

At this point he has only reinforced the inside of the fence.  Right now our neighbor is reseeding their yard and we didn't want to upset them by digging up their grass seed.  Already the fence is much more solid than it was before, and we think this will be enough to keep it stable.

I have left our doors open to enjoy the fresh air and sunny days.  The view from my door makes me smile:

I like seeing the flowers blooming, the bees flying and the sun shining on everything.  The mums are now exploding with color.

This flowerpot I filled with half-dead, clearance flowers in the hottest part of the summer:

The flowers definitely came to life after they were fertilized and watered regularly.  The large red and yellow flowers have just started to bloom for the first time.  I really like them but can't remember what they were. 

We're all enjoying the warm, sunny days, because we know they won't last for long.

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