Sunday, October 2, 2011

Aric Vs. The Shopping Cart

Aric fell on Friday and hit his face on a shopping cart while at the Home Depot with Ryan and Kellyn.  Ryan called on the way home to let me know I needed to pull out the first aid kit.  Upon seeing Aric and Ryan's sweatshirt, I immediately realized Aric needed more than a band aid and some neosporin.  Off they went to the urgent care clinic to have Aric's cut glued shut.

Aric cried briefly after it happened, but was apparently pretty tough at the doctor's office.  He came home excited about how the doctor put purple glue on his face.

The next morning Aric woke up with a swollen, black eye.

He will wear band aids for the next week to keep him from touching the area and picking the glue off.

Aric 0
Shopping Cart 1

Until they meet again...

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