Friday, September 16, 2011


This last week I have been nesting.  No, this isn't nesting because we're expecting a child, it's nesting because I'm having knee surgery in a week.  I know I'll be laid up for awhile and it seems like the time to get things done.  My mom, thankfully, is coming to help out while I have surgery since chasing my kids while on crutches seems a little unrealistic.  The week after my mom leaves Ryan's parents are coming for a visit, which is why I feel the need to get things done now while I can still move around.

I have spent the week touching up the paint in the kitchen, deep-cleaning the living room.  I also replaced the flapper in a leaky toilet, planted seeds in the garden with the kids, straightened things up in the garage, installed a shelf in Aric's room, painted our front door a blackberry color and cleaned out our deep freeze.  Yesterday I went on a massive grocery shopping trip to make sure our deep-freeze and pantry are well stocked for a while.  I also changed the light bulb in our TV (yeah, I'm quite proud of myself, but we really do need to get a new TV before that $300 bulb burns out again).

The shelf in Aric's room:

I want to hang his name above his bed, but can't seem to find the right letters.  I did find some last week that I liked, but, alas, they were missing the R and I.

The finished kitchen:

What better way to showcase our dishes and decorate our kitchen than to display them as part of the kitchen decor?  I'm pleased with the results and my $12 plate rack.

The blackberry door.  It's purple, but not in-your-face-purple.  It goes well with our white house and grey trim.  Go State!  Thanks Pam for letting me borrow your idea.

I've had knee surgery before and didn't feel the overwhelming need to get things done. I think this time is different because I have more responsibilities now that I am a mother. Hopefully I will heal quickly and all of this is just a bit of overkill, but I'm prepared either way.

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