Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Do Not Text and Clean

The following is a warning for the good of humanity:  Do not text while cleaning the bathroom and taking only enough time to remove one glove to text a silly photo to a friend. 

If you do not heed this warning the following might happen to you, and I will not accept responsibility for your actions:

Me (thinking I'm sending a text to my friend, who loves sharks):
It's a bad picture, but do you see the shark rising out of the bucket?

Response: New phone, who's this?

That is when the sinking feeling began as I realized my phone had not sent it to the correct person, but to the first person on my contact list.  Thankfully she found the whole situation humorous and we chatted for awhile.  I did manage to resend it to the correct person, who had quite a laugh over my blunder. 

And this is what bored housewives do all day long...

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