Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What is so Interesting?

Last night was the first night all week that Aric slept the whole night through. He was asleep by 8pm and didn't wake up until 7am, when I woke him up to eat. (He must have been worn out from the lack of sleep, too.) I remember Ryan waking me up at 4:30am to ask if I wanted him to bring Aric in to eat. I also remember telling him no and rolling over to fall asleep. I didn't wake up again until 7am. It was wonderful! I'm still tired, but I feel better than I have felt all week.

We're halfway back to getting our plumbing fixed. This seems to be a once a year problem and it is not pleasant. I've showered at work, taken two minute showers at home, made multiple trips outside to dump dishwater, bathwater, etc... I am glad that we normally have working plumbing and don't have to worry about making this our routine! Hopefully we can get the problem completely resolved tonight, tomorrow at the latest.

Aric had his second day of childcare yesterday. Ms. Autumn said that he did really well all day and didn't cry once. When I arrived at the end of the day, he was sitting on the floor playing next to another little girl who is 12 months old. Aric is the same size as this girl, if not a little bigger. I guess I don't have to worry that she'll bully him!

Everyday I can see Aric get a little closer to being able to crawl. He can low-crawl now. He also rocks on his hands and knees quite often. In addition, I have seen Aric sit back up from a crawling position. I am still awestruck by how babies make such huge changes developmentally in a matter of weeks.

What is so interesting?

We've seen this pose quite a few times in the last couple of days since Ryan bought Aric some Baby Einstein DVDs. I'm not sure what it is about them, but Aric is definitely captivated. (Well, for 5 minutes or so.)

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