Sunday, January 11, 2009

Like Father, Like Son...

I have a feeling this picture will become more of a common occurrence the older Aric gets.

Aric is seven months old today. It's hard to believe that exactly seven months ago today Aric had been in my arms for less than an hour and he was over ten pounds lighter!

It's amazing how big he is and the ways in which he has changed in the past seven months. Just to name a few:

-He has his two lower front teeth. Just a week ago today they were breaking through the gums, making him a miserable little boy. They are definitely visible now when he opens his mouth.

-He gets up on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth. Aric is definitely working hard to figure out how to crawl.

-Anytime anyone or anything is nearby he reaches out and tries so hard to pull himself up. He also reaches up when he wants to be picked up, and leans forward when it's time to get out of his high chair.

-He is able to feed himself cheerios. He can also hold his own bottle and feed himself.


Anonymous said...

That picture is pretty funny! Tucker has just learned how to play some games with Brian...they can do the HomeRun Derby on PS2 together now. Brian is thrilled!

I hope that your week is off to a much better start than last week.

Love, Kimberly

mommy to Kaden, Brody and angel Ava said...

What a big boy. I love the picture on the side bar with him in his green jammies.