Thursday, January 15, 2009


Today was Aric's first day at daycare and I almost cried on the way to work after dropping him off. I felt so silly, too. It's not like this was my first day to leave him, I've been back at work for five months now. I am happy with Miss Autumn and really think Aric will thrive there with the other children. It was just his first day of daycare.

Since I returned to work, Aric has been with either Ryan or Laura while I work and maybe an occasional day with a friend. In addition, all of his care has been one-on-one care. Now he's with 5 to 6 other kids which means he won't always be the center of attention. I know that's good for him, I don't want him growing up thinking he's the most important person in the world, however, I want him to get some attention and to feel loved. Daycare- it's just a word I'm going to have to get past. At least I have a three day break until he goes back.

Miss Autumn said that Aric had a good day. It was his first time to really spend a day around other children. He cried twice when other children were crying, because he seemed confused as to what was going on. Of course we have some kinks to work out: how much food he eats during the day (he was given less food than he normally eats), what the schedule for the day will be like (mommy left the house too early and had to sit in the car in a nearby parking lot and wait for 10 minutes) and the worst- we left his favorite pacifier at daycare.


mommy to Kaden, Brody and angel Ava said...

I too am nervous about putting the baby in daycare, something I never had to do with Kaden. It is always nerve racking to leave your precious baby with someone else, especially when you do not know them. I wish mommies could get paid for staying at home, it is one of the hardest jobs (but most rewarding). I am sure that Aric is going to get really comfortable, really fast. He will probably soon love the other kids being around. I am glad that things went well for the first day!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear the day went mostly well for you and Aric yesterday. I was praying for you! Hopefully those kinks will work themselves out soon.

Anonymous said...

You could always call it child care...I always prefer that term over daycare. Don't know why, but it sure sounds better. :)