Friday, January 18, 2008

If you don't have anything nice to say...

Sometimes I wonder if people realize that words can hurt, or if they are just that clueless…

There is a person at work who speaks what’s on her mind, and while I appreciate that I always know where I stand with her, I think at times she just needs to keep things to herself. Since I have told people that I am pregnant she has told me how a family member lost her baby midway through pregnancy, let me know that I look huge and have to be carrying twins, and the kicker… yesterday she told me that the reason she thinks I am so huge is because my baby might have Down's Syndrome. Now why would you tell someone that? I wish I could say I told her something witty to put her in her place. No, I didn’t say anything because I was too shocked that someone would actually say that to me. I’m not worried that it might be true because I don’t believe her to be a knowledgeable person about anything medical. I know that I will wholeheartedly love any child that God gives me, but that is something that no mother-to-be needs to hear. Hopefully next time I will have the presence of mind to tell this woman that her comments aren’t appreciated.

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