Thursday, October 29, 2009


I thought I had a pretty good routine down with Aric.  Now with an additional child thrown in, my old routine is out the window.
Yesterday was my first day alone with both kids.  What a busy day!  I did manage to get some laundry done, wash some dishes and take a shower, but that was about it.  Between diaper changes, feedings and trying to get everyone to take a nap not much else was accomplished.

It didn't help that Ryan and I didn't have the foresight regarding his pre-planned trip out with some friends in the evening.  Not only did I go through my first day alone with the kids, but I also had to continue on into the evening and deal with bedtimes by myself.  It was a complete failure.  My wild son was smearing hand lotion on the night stand, my daughter was trying to eat my neck, and I was trying to make them both stop while trying to explain to a family member on the phone that it wasn't the best time for me to talk.  As soon as I hung up, I corralled Aric into the bathroom to take his bath and he promptly urinated on my leg.  It was a memorable night to say the least.

Today is a new day, though,  and Ryan should be home tonight.  If the rain will let up, I might even attempt an excursion with our double stroller to the store.  We'll see how that goes!

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