Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Life As We Know It

I haven't written anything in awhile, because I just haven't had the time.  Trying to get rest, a shower, take care of two kids and myself seems to have completely occupied any and all of my time.

What has happened in the past two weeks?  Well, my mom just went back home yesterday.  She was here for the first two weeks of Kellyn's life to help with Aric and allow me to rest and recover from my surgery.  We are so thankful that she was able to be here and help us out in so many ways.

 Recovery has been such a slower process this time around.  I think most of the delay has to do with this guy:

I just started to pick him up and carry him again on Monday after I was cleared to do so by the doctor.  However, I was warned that my recovery would take even longer.  I'm already seeing signs of that being the truth as some areas that weren't hurting are becoming sore again.  I also had a bout of mastitis during the first couple of days after I left the hospital.  Thankfully that was caught and treated early on.  The road to recovery is definitely a bumpy one and I'll be glad when I feel like myself again.

Kellyn, so far, has seemed to be fairly easy going like Aric was, though I know at any given point that could all change.  She was definitely spoiled while my mom was here and she'll have to learn rather quickly that I cannot possibly hold her every second of the day.  I would never be able to get anything done and Aric would certainly destroy the house.  She's been a joy, however, and we are extremely thankful that she is healthy and doing so well.

Yesterday we made a big purchase:

...and by big, I mean BIG!  I went out shopping with my mom a couple of times and discovered that we were definitely going to need a stroller for both kids.  Ryan agreed with me and helped me pick this out yesterday while we were in the big city.  Hopefully this will make my life much easier and allow me to run errands on my own.

The last little bit of news I have is that Ryan was offered a job yesterday and he accepted.  A week before Kellyn was born he discovered a job opening nearby that was similar to the job he applied for in the Army, but this job is a full time job in the National Guard.  He filled out the application paperwork and had it turned in by the end of the week.  The day we came home from the hospital, Ryan received a call to schedule an interview for the following Wed.  Ryan went to the interview and didn't think it went as well as he had hoped.  Apparently he was wrong, because they called yesterday and offered him the job.  We are both still in shock, since we've been praying for a job like this for the past 18 months.  The job will allow him to use his degree, train him with practical knowledge, build up his resume and give him opportunities for advancement.

Much has happened this month, and while our heads are still spinning, we are thankful for it all!


carrie said...

Congrats, Ryan!!

What does this mean for you all? Will you be sticking around or relocating?

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Ryan. You will LOVE that double stroller. I'm on my
2nd one. Long story short, don't let you husband borrow your vehicle. He will take stuff out and forget to put it back in & your nice double stroller will get left @ the bowling alley, to of course be gone when he remembers & goes back to get it.