Tuesday, October 6, 2009


The last couple of nights I've had trouble falling asleep and remaining asleep.  It doesn't help having to make multiple trips to the bathroom either, but I guess that's God's way of preparing mothers for waking up multiple times during the night to tend to a newborn.

I just have too much on my mind: e-mails and thank you letters I need to get caught up on, items to add to my grocery list, things I need to clean around the house, laundry I need to do, last minute things that need put away, pulled out, washed or assembled for the baby.  It really is enough to drive anyone crazy.  Add in the unknown of what will happen Monday morning.  Yes, I know I'm supposed to be at the hospital at 5:30am and my surgery is scheduled for 7:30am, but what are they going to do for two hours, how will the surgery go, how will the recovery go.  Don't forget we're going to have a newborn again- will she be as easy as Aric was or will she be the tough little cookie that she's been throughout the whole pregnancy.  We're not just going to have a newborn, but we still have a rambunctious16 month old running around too.

It's enough to drive anyone crazy and hinder a good night's sleep.  I am looking forward to getting this watermelon out of my belly holding my daughter, though.  It doesn't matter if I get everything or nothing done by Monday morning.  We're just looking forward to her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you. I can relate to being nervous about your surgery. I was in your shoes just 3yrs ago. I had an emergency C-Section with my 1st one & a scheduled one with my 2nd. I didn't know what to expect. I can tell the 2nd one was so much easier then the 1st. I actually told the Dr. I couldn't do it just minutes before my Spinal. I was having flashbacks of my 1st one where I got sick right afterwards & had to have the suction machine used on me. I just closed my eyes & started praying, after the block I got this amazing sense of calm. The 2nd one was so much more relaxed & I didn't go into shock afterwards. I'm hoping you get the same experience. Recovering was a lot easier too, since I knew my limits from the 1st time & knew when to stop before pushing myself too far. I wish you the best of luck & can't wait to see pictures of Kellyn.