Thursday, March 5, 2009

Aric's First Vacation

We had such a good vacation visiting my parents and brother. Aric slept on both airplane rides, making me and all of the other passengers extremely happy. The best part of the trip: watching Aric play and bond with my parents and brother. He might not remember them right now, but they'll remember the time they had with him.

Reading with Nana in the early morning. Aric woke up at 6-6:30 everyday.

Trying to pull Uncle Rudy's glasses off. A favorite pasttime of the entire trip. Uncle Rudy did say that if Aric's first words were "Uncle Rudy" he would send him to college. We're working hard on that!!

A quiet moment with Poppa.

Waiting for Mommy to finish stacking the cups. Knocking them over was so much fun.

Playing Peek-A-Boo with Mommy. That coffee table now has tons of teeth marks. Thankfully they're on the underside of the lip.

Exploring Poppa and Nana's house.

Hanging out with Mommy.

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