Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Life through Photos

To Dad: No, you can't ground me anymore, but you can still make me feel like I disappointed you with my deviousness!

Ryan has wanted a new set of salt and pepper shakers for awhile. Recently a coworker brought in a Tupperware catalog and I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to order a set of salt and pepper shakers. I remember my parents had a set and they were extremely durable. Besides they would have a lifetime warranty since they are Tupperware. At the price of $9.50 it seemed too good to be true. That's because it was...

Here is a picture of my new salt and pepper shakers:

They look fine. They seem durable and they hold salt and pepper. Apparently I neglected to read the actual size of the set. This is my salt and pepper shaker next to a 16 oz glass:

The set my parents have are as tall if not taller than the glass. I am now the not so proud owner of a $9.50 set of munchkin salt and pepper shakers. Next time I'll read more closely.

I have been neglectful in posting a photo of my new haircut. I haven't had anyone around to take a picture of it. (Aric would be more interested in eating the camera if I gave it to him.) Today was the first day that I actually liked my hair. I've walked around for a week hating my haircut. It's not quite what I asked for and I specifically asked to not have the back cut so short. What can I do, though, but grow it out a little longer. Since I don't have a photo I'm posting this:

Why, yes, that is a scan of my new driver's license photo. No, I don't think it's a bad photo, except my smile is really crooked. All too often I forget I have a crooked smile and that I need to compensate for that. Oh, well. Those really short hairs you see are all of the post-pregnancy hair that I lost and they are now growing back. Those hairs are the reason behind me chopping my hair off.

And the boy who would rather eat the camera...

He's mastered crawling and travels all over the house. Now he likes to stand up and walk with assistance. The boy won't sit still for anything anymore. Well, except for Baby Einstein videos and Cheerios and when you're stuck in your highchair with both .

I just thought you would want to know that I got in trouble for number 16 tonight on my 25 Random Things. To think I thought the statute of limitations was up.


Anonymous said...

I think your hair looks cute. I'm thinking of doing htat with mine too. Sorry I haven't been good at keeping up. I have been buried in work and kids sports!

Anonymous said...

Oh come one, I can't REALLY ground you anymore.


Anonymous said...


I love the hair...and especially the new little pieces. I think they're kind of fun. :)