Sunday, February 1, 2009

25 Random Things

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1. I am a voracious reader. I'll read the back of a shampoo bottle, food box, etc just for something to read.

2. I was born in Hawaii and have a Hawaiian middle name.

3. I miss my pierced belly button, but I also have no desire whatsoever to get it re-pierced. No one sees it any more.

4. I cry when I'm angry and it only makes me angrier.

5. I miss driving a stick shift. When I drive our truck I'm always reaching for the non-existent clutch. If I had the option I would get another stick shift vehicle.

6. I shave my legs everyday unless I'm running late. I hate leg stubble.

7. I'm kind of ready for the next baby. It took so long to have Aric that I'm afraid to wait.

8. My tailbone curves inside my body, which is why Aric didn't drop and why I had to have a c-section. At least that's what I remember the doctor telling me when I was still under the effects of anesthesia.

9. I'm an Army brat and a preacher's kid. I think they cancelled each other out.

10. I hated school. I'm glad that there's so much more to life than high school and college.

11. I'm three semesters from graduating with a business degree which I could add on to my interior design degree. See #10 for the reasoning of why I don't really care to finish.

12. I've wanted to be a mom since I knew I had the capability to be a mom. My son is such a joy in my life (except when it's 3am and he's the bane of my existence).

13. I've taken German, Latin, Spanish, and French and I only speak English.

14. I got carbon monoxide poisioning walking outside in Korea. I wanted to lay down on the sidewalk and sleep. I thought I was going to die alone outside in a dirty gutter and no one would ever find my body.

15. All of my major injuries have occurred when my dad or my husband were gone on a business trip. (Growing up it was my dad being gone, now it's Ryan being gone.) None of this is intentional, it just happens. These injuries include: a broken arm, two broken toes (it may not seem major but I got stuck in a wooden shoe both times), knee surgery and a concussion.

16. I'm going to get into so much trouble if my mom reads this: in high school I was required to practice 30 min everyday for band. I made a recording once a week for 30 min and the rest of the week I would press play and spend the time reading in my room. If my mom knew this she never let on. This explains why I never excelled at band.

17. I type with two fingers. I never took typing and was never made to learn the home row. I know where all the keys are and I'm a quick typer. (I have to be able to type 40wpm mistake free for my job.) I think if learned the home row now it would just slow me down.

18. I hate mushrooms because of a boy.

19. My favorite ice cream is Blue Bell.

20. If you part my hair down the center in the back of my head I have two round scars from when I fell on my head as a toddler. I had a ponytail holder in my hair that punched two holes in the back of my head. (If you're wondering my dad was not away on a business trip.)

21. I divide my M&M's into colors and eat them by color group in no particular order. I only do this when I'm at work. At home I grab a handful and just eat them.

22. I hate to paint, but I love not having to live with white walls anymore.

23. I always change my hairstyle and told my husband when we first started dating not to love me for my hair.

24. I talk to my mom on the phone most every Tuesday morning. We both have the day off and we can catch up on the week and spend some uninterrupted time together.

25. My thumbs bend backwards. It's a great advantage in thumb war.

I'm not tagging 25 people, because I don't really think 25 people read this.

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