Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cleaning and The Lorax

A week or so ago I caved and joined Pinterest.  It's an online pin board of all sorts of things that can be found on the internet.  I don't spend all of my time on it, but I have found some really neat ideas: tips for gardening, activities for the kids, sewing projects for me, etc.  The only thing that I have actually done is to make a household cleaner for my bathroom.  It is a simple concept and the only thing I needed to buy was a spray bottle since I didn't have an extra I could use for this project.  The recipe is easy: take 1 part white vinegar and heat it up, pour into spray bottle with 1 part dish soap.  Spray on soap scum and water marks, leave for two hours then wipe with sponge and wash away.

I poured 1 cup of white vinegar into a measuring cup and microwaved it for 2 minutes.  Then I poured 1 cup of dish soap into the spray bottle, mixed it with the warm vinegar and set to work spraying our master shower, which was nasty.  It was a bit noxious with the white vinegar, but no more so than if I had used a commercial soap scum remover.  I was also standing in our shower trying to get every spot that I could including our glass shower doors.  I used up most of my mixture.  Then I took the kids to see the Lorax.

I had forgotten how much the story of the Lorax is about tree-hugging (for lack of a better word).  The kids enjoyed the bright colors, songs, dancing and being in a movie theater.  I don't really need to see that movie ever again.  It was Kellyn's first movie and she was pretty well behaved.  I bought some gummy lifesavers and a bag of popcorn to add to the experience.  I found out that Kellyn is a popcorn lover.  I'm not sure where she put all of that popcorn since she still had room for dinner later, but she devoured as much as she possibly could.

After the movie, we went back home.  I fed the kids and proceeded to clean the shower while they were eating.  I didn't have to use much elbow grease, I just wiped the surfaces with a sponge while I washed the soap and vinegar away with warm water.  Our shower came out shiny and almost new-looking again.  My shower doors which were hazy with soap scum and scale are now crystal clear again.  It's amazing and I honestly didn't spend any time on it.  I'm not one to rave about household cleaners, but if you have a shower you'll never get clean again you might try this mixture.  I also heard that if I spray my shower doors with Rain-X or a similar product it will help prevent this from happening again.  I haven't tried that because I don't have any Rain-X but it's something I'll mentally file away for another time.

1 comment:

Cristen said...

Will have to try that cleaner...I use vinegar a lot, but never thought of pairing it with dish soap! I also found a tutorial on pinterest for cleaning microfiber couches that I'm itching to try. I don't think our couch has been cleaned....ever.

Sounded like a fun movie trip! Julian still has yet to go to his first movie...I'm waiting for him to grow an attention span first. :)