Sunday, March 9, 2008

Ready for the weekend

The last two days at work have been terrible. The local bar district picks a Saturday around St Patrick’s Day and celebrates the day by opening at 7am and serving Green Beer. Yesterday was the day. We were busy non-stop the entire day taking calls all related to the festivities in the bar district. Today we spent the entire day taking calls from the aftermath, i.e.- stolen vehicles, damaged property and vehicles, people calling and wanting to know where their cars were towed to, and people calling looking for their belongings. It was crazy.

Make the life of your local law enforcement and dispatchers a lot easier- quit leaving your vehicles unlocked, and don’t leave your keys in the vehicle. Your vehicle is also not a secure place to leave anything of value, so take the extra five seconds to remove your purses and wallets from your car.

And on a side note- I am a terrible dispatcher. We had a stolen vehicle today that we were dealing with. The vehicle was recovered by the end of our shift. The sad thing is that I saw the vehicle on my way to work. I drove right by it. I think driving in the pitch black again in the morning really threw me off. Maybe if it hadn’t been daylight savings time I would’ve actually seen what the vehicle was sitting there on the side of the road. Oh well!

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