Sunday, March 23, 2008

Animal Update

Baby fish seems to be doing well. She (of course it could be a he, we'll know when he's older) has ventured out of the plants. She doesn't swim freely around the tank yet because she is still pretty tiny, but she's not solely hiding in the plants anymore. I think she'll be just fine.

My husband got up this morning and noticed the other cat (the one who doesn't go outside) staring intently at something downstairs. Turns out it was a live garden snake inside the house. Ick!! I'm so glad that I didn't find it. He said that the cat followed him around "yelling" at him for awhile because he took her toy away. I'm hoping that we don't have some hole somewhere that the snake slithered in to gain entry to the house. My husband has been in and out a lot this past week working on stuff around the house, and I'm sure that he hasn't left the door closed all of the time. Hopefully we won't have any more "toys" in the house.

We sort of have a new dog. A little over a week ago I pulled into our driveway and was staring eye to eye with a Great Dane-Dalmation mix dog. It was a little shocking and I stayed in my car until my husband came to save me. The dog was returned to the owners who apparently live nearby. Well, the other morning we went outside to find the same dog in our yard playing with our dog. We left them for awhile because we had to run errands and finally called the owners in the early afternoon to retrieve their dog. Unless they keep him securely locked up I wouldn't be surprised to see him again some morning. He's a sweet dog, just huge!!

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