Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Things Heard Around Here

Dear God, 
Thank you for this food.
Help it to nourish our bodies.
Please help us to have a good evening together.
And for Daddy and Mommy to be nice to Aric and Kellyn.
In your Son's name, Amen.

When teaching the kids to pray we provided them with an example of a mealtime prayer.  They both latched onto the prayer and use it for every meal.  It surprised us a bit the other night when Aric said this prayer at dinnertime.  (I give you one guess which part he added to the prayer.)  It's not that we require them to say the same prayer.  We were quite happy that Aric is realizing he can pray for different things and talk to God.  We were more in shock from what he asked, because we didn't think we were that bad at parenting.

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