Monday, July 20, 2009

A is for Abruption

Not really a title I would rather have on a post. This morning I had some disconcerting symptoms (contractions, pain in my side and spotting). I even made it in to work this morning and decided about two minutes later that I wasn't imagining the symptoms and needed to contact my OB.

I had an ultrasound this morning to look for a reason for my symptoms. During the ultrasound they found another placental abruption. No one is sure why I have another placental abruption or what may have caused it. My OB doesn't know if I will be able to make it to my scheduled c-section or if I will have the baby sooner. They are doing what they can to make sure that if the baby comes early she will have the best opportunity. (Read- painful steroid shots in my rear end.) I'm not quite on bed rest and they will let me continue to work for now since I sit all day long. I'm supposed to keep my stress levels down and my physical activity limited. No more walks in the evening with Ryan and Aric.

The good news is that the baby is doing well. She's healthy, big (measuring two weeks ahead of her gestational age) and active. They are pleased with her size since abruption babies tend to be smaller due to the potential that they aren't getting all of the nutrients that they need from the placenta.

We're trying to take it one day at a time and trust in God. He's in complete control of the situation. We pray that I can keep the baby in there and deliver a healthy, full term baby girl in October.


Kimberly said...

That is scary, Regan!! I will continue to pray for the health of you and your daughter.

mommy to Kaden, Brody and angel Ava said...

Sorry, I just caught up with the blog. I too, hope that she stays put. How scary. My prayers will be with you guys.