Friday, July 24, 2009

One Day at a Time...

I haven't had any bleeding or contractions since Monday. That doesn't necessarily reassure me, because while I see no blood it doesn't mean that there is no bleeding. It could just be trapped inside of me. The comforting thing is that the baby wiggles around and has hiccups. I didn't realize how reassuring it could be to have a baby pushing out trying to make more room inside of you. It's not annoying this time around to have my child stretching in my ribcage.

My side is still sore where the abruption is and I have no idea if the soreness will go away. I have also been exhausted. Not the typical exhaustion of being pregnant and having a small child, it is a much deeper exhaustion. Yesterday I had to go to a four hour training class in the morning and I could barely stay awake even though I had a decent nights sleep. After Aric and I returned home, thankfully, he went down right away for a nap and I was able to sleep like the dead for two hours. I felt better, but probably could do the same thing later on today.

Ryan has been amazing throughout all of this. He has taken on extra chores and responsibilities without complaint. I am so thankful to be blessed with a supportive, loving husband. Aric has no idea what is happening, but isn't taking some of the changes very well. He doesn't understand why I make him walk more instead of carrying him everywhere. (I am thankful he is able to walk around so much.) He also doesn't understand why I won't go on walks in the evening anymore. We've tried to modify our routine by spending time outdoors after dinner in lieu of our family walks. I can sit in a chair and watch Aric play with sticks, rocks, golf balls, the dog water bucket or whatever entertaining thing he can find, and Aric loves to be outside. Ryan took him on a walk last night to our mailbox afterwards and said Aric cried the whole time because I didn't go with. He apparently reaches out to where I usually walk and waits for me to give him five. I wish there was a way to explain things to Aric, but he can't even comprehend that he's going to be a big brother much less that there's a problem.

We're still just taking it one day at a time and trying to be prepared. I turned in my hospital pre-registration yesterday just in case. I've talked with people who have had premature babies who are growing up and are completely healthy and normal. I know that this is all in God's hands and that's the best place for it to be.

1 comment:

carrie said...

Just catching up on your blog...we'll be praying for you and that sweet baby girl.