Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Shortest Hospitalization Ever

Today I went back to work, knowing that I had to get my second steroid shot around 9:30. I left work at 9:10 and drove over to my doctor's office. I waited there about 20 minutes before the nurse came out and told me that they were completely out of the steroid that I needed. She directed me to go to the hospital to the labor and delivery ward to get the shot. Thankfully the hospital wasn't too far away from the doctor's office.

Walking in to the labor and delivery ward I felt a moment of panic. I am not ready to be a patient there. I'm not ready for my daughter to arrive. I want her to stay inside until October 12th and I want to stay out of the hospital until then.

The staff had me wait in one of the maternity rooms for the nurse to come with my shot. A couple of minutes later, two nurses arrived wheeling in a fetal monitor. Apparently if you're over 24 weeks it is hospital policy for them to monitor the baby for 20 minutes before they let you leave. There went my quick half hour trip to get a shot. I called my work to let them know it was going to be a lot longer than expected while I found myself in bed, covered with a blanket, with straps attached to my belly and a clipboard full of admission paperwork to fill out. The good news is the baby is doing well. They woke her up with a cup of apple juice and the nurses were pleased with her heart rate and movements. Half an hour later I finally received my steroid shot (in the rear again) and my discharge papers. It was the shortest hospitalization ever. I was gone from work a total of 1-1/2 hours.

I won't need anymore steroid shots. The two I had are supposed to help her lungs develop quicker in case she has to arrive early. I am still having some pain in my side where the placenta has detached from the uterus, but that's to be expected. For now things are going as well as can be and we are still taking it one day at a time. The longer she's in there the better it will be.

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