Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Faux Thumbsucking

I've been up for the last hour with Aric. He's fed, clean and just doesn't want to go back to sleep. He did go to bed last night at 9pm which is an hour and a half early for him. I guess 6 hours of straight sleep has him wired.

He's currently in his baby bouncer talking and trying to find his thumb. Lately he rejects his pacifier more and more and searches for his thumb which he is only able to find about an 1/8th of the time. This has led to fake thumbsucking. Several times I've found him while asleep with his fist to his mouth and it looks like he's sucking his thumb. Upon closer inspection his thumb isn't in his mouth he is just holding his fist to his mouth and pretending. It's pretty funny.

This is what he currently looks like. I can't help but laugh at the bedhead.

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