Monday, October 8, 2012

Knee Recovery

The summer already slipped away from me and I realize, if I'm not careful, this fall will do the same thing.  The last three weeks have not gone as planned.  I guess that's just the way of life, though.

A week after my surgery I had an appointment for a one week post-op check up and stitch removal.  That's all I was expecting to happen.  I had my stitches removed, and after talking to the doctor I received my first of three hyaluronic acid injections, four weeks earlier than I was expecting.  I was previously told the injections would be painful.  I didn't think too much about it until the first injection.  Painful isn't the right word.  Excruciating, stepping on a Lego, birthing a child is more like it.  The massive needle was injected behind my knee cap and a large amount of fluid was injected into a tiny space.  Afterwards I wasn't sure if I'd be able to walk out of the doctor's office.  It was definitely a huge set back in my recovery. 

I had my second injection the following week.  It went much better.  The clinic was testing out a new, portable ultrasound machine.  They used the machine to look inside my knee and inject the fluid exactly where they wanted it to go.  While painful, it wasn't as bad as the previous week.  I didn't feel like my knee cap was going to blow out from the pressure.  My last injection is tomorrow.  I'm praying they bought the ultrasound machine.

These injections are supposed to help lubricate my knee joint.  They will hopefully help it to work smoothly for the next six to nine months (best case scenario).  Anything less is not worth the course of injections.  If this does work then it is a possible method of treatment to prolong the need for another knee surgery.  I really don't want to go back for a yearly knee scope for the rest of my life.

I'll always have a problem knee.  My cartilage is falling apart and irreparable.  My goal is to find a method to help me live my life, walk, chase the kids and just have the active lifestyle that I enjoy having.  That and skiing... I have a date to ski in early January.

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