Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Growth Chart Ruler

Awhile ago I saw a growth chart ruler mentioned on a blog.  I thought it was a really neat idea.  As an Army brat I never grew up with a wall in a house that had our heights marked inside.  I always thought it was really neat when I saw a wall or closet in someone's home marked with the kid's heights.

When we moved into this house we marked the kid's heights in the coat closet.  As an Army wife, I realize that we probably aren't going to live in this house forever.  When we move that closet wall won't be coming with us.  That is why the growth ruler appealed to me, because it's portable.

The price was a bit exorbitant, though, ranging from $50 to $75.  That was more than I wanted to pay for a board that looked like a ruler.  I asked Ryan if he could make that for me.  Being the loving husband that he is, he bought me a nice board the next time he was at Home Depot.  The board sat in our garage for months.

This past week I was in the garage refinishing some furniture and kept looking at that board.  I decided since I was out there, I might as well work on it.  After some sanding, pulling out the miter saw to cut it to size, calling Ryan because I couldn't figure out how to unlock the safety on the miter saw, cutting the board, sanding it some more, staining it, putting the marks and numbers on it, realizing that I moved my tape measure and started the board at 9 inches instead of 6 inches, going with the flow since that mistake gives the kids an opportunity to grow to 6'9" instead of 6'6", and giving it a quick clear coat my ruler was finally finished.

Yesterday I hung it up in our kitchen and I'm quite pleased with the way it turned out:

Now all I have to do is go back and mark the kid's heights from the last few years and we'll be able to take this with us when we move on someday.

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