Saturday, September 4, 2010

Catching up with the Kids

I realized that I've never given an update on Aric's broken arm.  Obviously as evident in recent pictures he is not wearing a cast, sling, splint or wrap.  The Dr called it a "green stick" fracture.  Part of his upper humerus fractured, I don't want to say snapped but the Dr explained it as similar to what happens when you try to break a stick that's too green.  Part of it will break and part of it will stay connected and unharmed.  It's not close to his growth plate and the best way to allow it to heal is to let it be.  Aric still cradles his arm protectively against his body the majority of the time.  An increase in falling is an unfortunate side effect of this.  We're treating it by giving him an extra dose of kisses for all of his "owies".  Other than noticing how he holds his arm, I don't think anyone would even realize that it's broken.  He's a pretty tough kid.  In another three weeks I'll take him back to the Dr for more x-rays to confirm that everything is healed.  Hopefully that will be the end of it.

Ryan brought back some souvenirs from Texas.  Aric wanted to wear his out to the mall today.  He was pretty cute and a little ridiculous wearing boots with cargo shorts.  If you can't wear what you want at 2 then when will you ever be able to?

Another week and Kellyn will be 11 months old.

She is still a baby and yet she's not.  Thursday afternoon when I picked the kids up from daycare, Kellyn was up by herself playing at a toy kitchen with a little coffee pot.  It hit me really hard just how big she was and how she wasn't so much of a baby anymore.  My baby will be one next month!!  Where has the time gone?  She's not walking yet, but she has taken steps on her own only to fall down right away.  She can climb up our stairs (that's a story for another day), and she insists on feeding herself.  Although she's still drinking breast milk she's completely weaned and drinking it cold out of a sippy cup, and she wants to be in the middle of the action.  Her little personality is definitely shining through.

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