Friday, April 10, 2009

Back from the Doctor

I saw the doctor today. He's certain I'm not having twins. I was already certain I wasn't having twins since I had an ultrasound at 8 weeks. (See photo below of one baby.)

The baby has a good strong heartbeat, kind of fast actually. The doctor joked that it might be a girl. We shall see. I'm allowed to quit taking one of the medications that they had me on for the majority of the first trimester. I'm glad for that since it was unpleasant and expensive. Now if I can just get the exhaustion and nausea to go away...


Cristen said...

Ok Ok...not twins.
(even though they've been known to hide on occasion!)

I think it's a girl...that's my official guess. And if it makes you feel better, I was at the doctor too today and I got weighed for the first time in 8 weeks. It wasn't pretty. What's even worse is knowing that the baby is just a little over ONE pound of that.

Rudy said...

Did your hospital get a new machine or something?