Saturday, December 6, 2008

Six Random Things

I was tagged by Carmen to tell you six random things about myself. Here goes:

1. My left big toe is slightly bigger than my right big toe. The summer before third grade I broke my left big toe by opening a heavy glass door over the top of it. The doctor told us it might be affected in some way since I broke the growth plate. It grew slightly bigger as a result.

2. I refuse to check strands of Christmas lights for that one burnt out bulb. I would rather throw them away and buy a new strand. Don't get me wrong. If I can easily tell which bulb is burnt out or replace the fuse I will do that. If the strand doesn't work or only half of it works I have no problems tossing it out. During college I worked in the Special Events department of a university that would decorate their entire campus in strands of twinkle lights as a gift to the community. I spent a long, hot summer sitting outside checking strands of twinkle lights, trying to figure out which bulb was burnt out. I am NOT doing that ever again.

3. I am deeply affected by scary, horror movies. Even seeing the preview of a horror movie on TV will cause problems for me. When my husband and I were dating he took me to see Event Horizon. I made him mad because I spent the entire movie watching the floor of the theater except for the one long bathroom break I took when I read every single movie poster that was hanging on the theater walls. Just hearing the movie made me avoid the basement like the plague for two weeks, and it was my job to do the laundry in the basement.

4. I like leopard print even when animal print is not in style. I have a custom-made leopard print dress in my closet. I haven't worn it in years, but I won't get rid of it. I also have a leopard print shower curtain packed away somewhere. Not to worry, though, my husband let me get a leopard print seatbelt bag this past fall. I'm still able to let my inner wild child show.

5. In college I used to eat two cheesy hotdogs with mustard, Ruffles the Works potato chips and a can of cherry Coke almost every day for lunch. I still love that meal, but I'm a little sad that Ruffles doesn't make the Works anymore. To this day I won't buy any other type of hot dog except Oscar Meyer cheesy hotdogs.

6. I do not like anything touching my neck- hands, chokers, turtlenecks, etc... This stems from typical sibling issues from childhood. If you ever see me wearing a turtle neck, it is only because the turtle neck is so loose it doesn't actually touch my neck. My test for this is if I can stick my chin down into the neck without actually having to do anything but dip my head down. This is so troublesome, though; that I have to really like the turtle neck and be pretty sure that it won't be bothersome to even try it on. Currently, I don't own any turtle necks.

Now it's your turn. I TAG anyone who would like to share six things about themselves.

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