Monday, December 1, 2008

Not Me! Monday

It’s time for Not Me! Monday and more confessions of silly things that did not happen to me this past week.

I did not prewrite this in order to have it ready in time for Monday. That would just be silly. In fact, I do not prewrite the majority of my blog entries, then proofread them multiple times before posting them, and then edit them if I notice something wrong after posting them. That would just be really silly.

I did not allow my son to co-sleep with us pretty much every night this past week because he was sick. I am not now wondering how to get the co-sleeper back into his own bed and back to sleeping all night long now that he is feeling better. My husband did not upon returning home from a night out of watching football with a friend say "no" in response to me asking him to put Aric back in his crib and then walk away claiming later that he had not heard me. My husband always hears everything I say.

I have not started referring to new changes at work as the "witch hunt". That might be considered juvenile even if others might deem those changes really stupid and the name completely accurate.

I did not tell my husband, while he was taking this photo, that Aric's hairdo made him look like Syndrome from the Incredibles. Mommies are always supposed to have nice things to say about their children.

I did not go to the grocery store three times last week because we couldn't decide if we wanted turkey for Thanksgiving. We do not have a whole chicken in our deep freeze from one of those shopping trips. We did not eat leftover turkey sandwiches before we actually ate the main meal. That would be too weird and hard to fathom.

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