Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Kitchen Part 1

When I came back from visiting my parents I brought home everything including the kitchen sink.

I didn't take a great before photo of it (you'll have to excuse that adorable boy in the foreground), but I brought home the kitchen that I played with when I was little.  I have many fond memories of that kitchen and I am thankful that my parents saved it and carted it around with them all of these years.  (I'm sure they're happy to be rid of it and never have to move it again.)

I have been busy working on it to refinish it.  My goal is to have it done in time to give it to the kids for Christmas.  They played with it while at my parent's house and both enjoyed it.  Aric has seen it disassembled in the other room and has asked to play with it numerous times.

I'm pretty excited about it and hope the visions in my head match the finished project. I know that no matter how it turns out the kids will enjoy it just as much as I did.

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