Saturday, November 6, 2010


We took the kids to a children's museum today.  I'm still not sure it if was worth the admission price, but they both had a good time there.

This was the first thing they made a bee-line for.  Kellyn actually screamed when I took her off of it and tried to run back several times.

Kids and water ALWAYS mix.

It was kind of neat that they could sit on the horse, though, neither one of them wanted to sit for very long.

Exploring in the cave.

This was another water table.  Aric enjoyed sending houses down river.

We played here quite awhile until enough other kids came along that we needed to move on ourselves.

Our next stop was the bubble room.  Aric liked shaking the bubble wand everywhere and basically just making a huge mess.

This was Kellyn's favorite place in the bubble room and possibly the entire museum.

Daddy making a big bubble around Aric.

Watching marbles spin round and round.

Aric enjoyed sitting in the cockpit and Kellyn was moon walking.

Or just trying to figure out how to get out of a moon crater.

Aric can recognize and name a triceratops.  The rest of them are just "dinosaurs".

The view out of an adobe hut.

Aric finally discovering the moonwalk.

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