Kellyn has many names around our house. K (how Ryan and I refer to her in text messages and e-mails), Baby K, and "Kennan" as Aric likes to call her. Kellyn is such a delight and adds so much to our family.
She has a different demeanor than Aric. Kellyn is more dramatic, definitely a girl through and through, and adores her older brother and daddy. She likes to sing and dance, breaking out in both randomly when the mood strikes. She can often be found wearing things on her head; Daddy's hats, blankets, towels, clothes, bowls and Tupperware from the kitchen, or anything else deemed worthy to go on her head.

She enjoys playing with baby dolls. At daycare she will wait until the "real" baby is moved out of a bouncy chair or swing and use the vacated space for her baby doll. At home she has claimed an infant seat I'm trying to get rid of as a suitable place for her baby doll. Kellyn plays with it so much I am half thinking we should probably keep it.

We are grateful to have her in our family. I am thankful that despite all of the complications I had with her during pregnancy, God blessed us with such a beautiful, healthy little girl.
What a cutie :) It's amazing to watch little girls and their dolls! Julian has started to grasp the concept of 'baby' and will point them out in books, pictures and in the mirror, but if you hand him one it immediately gets thrown on the floor and ran over with a dump truck. I'm a little worried about future siblings.
So she's a hat girl. I will have to remember that. Hugs to all of you :)
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