Sunday, February 21, 2010

Four Months

It's hard to believe Kellyn is already four months old and yet it somehow seems so long ago since she was born.  She is developing such a little personality- she's a talker!  After having such a quiet baby in Aric, it's a new experience to have a very vocal baby.  Kellyn coos, squeals, shrieks and babbles at us all of the time.  In addition to the noise, she's rolling over from back to belly and getting quite upset when she gets "stuck".  Aric is all too eager to provide assistance and roll her back over no matter what position she's in.  Last week we moved Kellyn from the bassinet in our room to the crib in Aric's room.  It takes a coordinated effort to get them both down for the night in the same room, but it's so much better to have her in another room.  I don't hear her until she actually wakes up and cries vs automatically picking her up as soon as she made the slightest noise in our room.  We made the decision to finally move her out of our room after a week straight of her waking up 4-5 times a night, and realizing that she probably wasn't waking up during all of those times.  We've also begun to put Kellyn in the jumperoo.  Her favorite pastime in the jumperoo is to spin the wheels and suck on the seat.  Soon enough she'll be tall enough and will figure out the joy of jumping. 

Here are some recent photos of our sweet girl:

1 comment:

Carmen said...

Wow, she is growing fast! How has Aric done with her in the same room so far? Does she wake him up?