Sunday, October 12, 2008


I am- tired, so tired.
I want- stability in our lives.
I have- a beautiful baby boy that I thank God for every day.
I wish- I could've known my other two babies.
I hate- that I don't get more time with my son.
I fear- more now that I know what the "real" world is like. That's what I get for being a dispatcher.
I hear- crickets and slurping.
I search- constantly for pacifiers, spit up rags, and other items that always seem to disappear when I need them.
I wonder- if the motor of my $125 baby swing is really going out or if my child is getting too heavy and the motor can't keep up.
I always- double check all of the doors and rooms every night before bed.
I usually- spend more time reading blogs than I should.
I am not- shy, just reserved and taking it all in (and remembering it- I remember alot of random things about people).
I dance- when no one is looking.I sing- silly songs to my son when it's just the two of us.
I never- sit on public toilets. Ick!
I rarely- go to Wal-Mart because I don't like the people who shop there.
I cry- when I'm mad and it only makes me madder.
I am not always- on top of things.
I used to be but sometime during my husband's deployment I started to let things slip and I've never stopped them.
I lose- sleep.
I'm confused- about why imaginary numbers exist (and why they were brought up in the sermon last night).
I need- a replacement piece for my breast pump. (You really wanted to know that, didn't you?)
I should- exercise again, but I just don't seem to have the time or motivation.
I dream- crazy dreams ever since I became pregnant.
I TAG- anyone who hasn't done this.

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