Saturday, October 27, 2007

A Little Bit of Everything

I sprained my finger yesterday at work. I really feel dumb about it because I don't have a clue as to how it happened and I did it in the last 10 minutes before I left. It's my left ring finger, so I spent the ride home trying to get my engagement ring off and after I got home I had to grease up my finger to pull my wedding band off. I'm glad I was able to take them off last night, because this morning I would be in some serious trouble. I told Ryan my finger looks like our cat, Piglet, skinny on the ends and fat in the middle. (Poor Piglet!) I was somewhat concerned about how this sprain will affect work tonight since I type on a keyboard all night long. I don't think it's going to be a problem. I'm not having any issues typing this blog, because I'm a two finger typer. I never took a typing course in school, so I don't use all ten fingers and place them on the home row. I use two fingers for the most part and every once in awhile I throw in some other fingers. The amazing thing is that I type about 49 wpm with my technique. The bad thing is that people make fun of me when they figure out how I actually type.

We got our computer back yesterday. It pretty much is empty. We spent part of yesterday loading our music, pictures, documents and printer back onto it. We still have more to go, but it's nice to not be working on something that freezes up all of the time. The only bad thing is that I just discovered we don't have Microsoft Office on this computer. I hate it when they forget that!

The other night at work a young college girl called the police because she believed someone was syphoning gas from her gas tank. We sent an officer out to speak with her to assess the situation. The officer called me back with the report. Upon questioning the girl, the officer determined that the girl had driven her car around town enough that day to use up half a tank of gas. The officer also told the girl she should probably take the car to a mechanic and make sure that the gas guage was working properly. I had to fight back the laughter while taking this information. And to think the future of our world rests in the hands of people like this.

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