Thursday, October 18, 2007

I'm not dumb

I feel dumb at work. This is the first week that I am answering phones full time. I feel like I've forgotten the simplest things that I learned in training. I guess that's to be expected, though, since I learned so much in so little time. Maybe the problem is that you have to think fast about so many things. Hopefully I figure out the rhythm soon. Last night I was supposed to start answering the 911 lines. It was a pretty slow night and my only two calls were hang ups. I had more luck with the non-emergency lines. I feel a bit like a bartender or hairdresser, though, because people tend to tell you all about their problems while they have you on the phone.

We found out this week that my husband should be able to graduate in May. We thought it would be December 2008, but his advisor looked at what he had left and I guess some of the classes on his list are outdated. It's kind of exciting that he only has one semester left. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Of course, now we have to come to some sort of decision about what to do with our future and if we want to move.

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