Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Swim Lessons

Last week Kellyn went to swim lessons.  She was enrolled in four days of private lessons with Miss Allie.  Kellyn liked Miss Allie, but didn't always like the swim lessons.  It probably didn't help too much that the pool water is still a bit cold.  I wasn't thinking that Kellyn would learn how to swim in four days of lessons.  I was just hoping she would become a bit more comfortable in the water.  She floated, kicked, put her face in the water, blew bubbles and cried.  Even through the tears, she listened to Miss Allie and did everything she was told to do.  While Kellyn is nowhere near close to being able to swim on her own, it was amazing to see the difference on Friday night when we were swimming at the hotel pool.  She was unafraid of the water and proudly showed us some of her new swim lesson skills.

Yesterday Aric began his first of ten group swimming lessons.  He was excited about learning how to swim until we arrived at the pool.  Then he was scared.  He barely wanted to get into the water and attempted to sneak away multiple times.  And he cried.  Ryan and I had a long talk with Aric about his swim lessons and threw in a bit of bribery in hopes of encouraging him to participate.  While I would love for him to learn how to swim, I really just want him to conquer some of his fear and have a good time over the next two weeks.

Only time will tell how successful these swim lessons will be.  In the meantime it gives us something to look forward to each day and a reason to use swim goggles.

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