Saturday, June 11, 2011


When did my baby boy turn "bree" (as he pronounces it)?  When did we go from being two people hoping and dreaming for a child to parents of a preschooler?  Where did babyhood go?  Where did toddlerhood go?

I brought this sweet boy home from the hospital:

The first night was rather difficult.  First we realized that the diapers I had stocked and waiting were a tad too big for Aric.  We loaded Aric up into the car and headed back into town to Target.  We stood in the hot sun trying to get the stroller out of the car, unfolded, and Aric safely nestled inside.  After our trip to the store to buy new diapers and checking on him a million times to make sure he was still breathing we headed home. 

Later that night we had difficulty soothing him back to sleep.  He was fed, changed and I held him against me, crying with him because I couldn't figure out what was wrong.  Ryan tenderly took him and swaddled him back up.  I felt like a failure as a mother.  Ryan reminded me that "there were a lot worse parents out there who managed to raise their kids to 18 and if they could do it then so could we".  I felt victory the next morning when we all awoke alive and well.

On Aric's first birthday we took the day off together and took him to the zoo:

He seemed so big and grown up toddling around looking at the animals.  It's amazing how quickly children change in the first year of life.  Aric was so completely dependant on us and by the end of the year he was still dependant, but so much more independent.

On his second birthday we went back to the zoo:

It really struck me how big he looked and how we could see him turning into a boy and moving away from toddlerhood.  He was rough, full of energy and talking.

Now he's "bree" and I sit here wondering how quickly time has flown by over the last three years.  Sure there are days when I'd like to pull my hair out, when I'm not the most patient or tender mom and days I wish time would fast forward.  Truthfully, though, I don't want time to fast forward by.  It already feels like it has.  I want to cherish the moments and remember everything.

Happy Birthday, Aric!  We love you.

1 comment:

Cristen said...

Happy Birthday Aric!! Time definitely flies. Every time I see Aric I think of how grown up he is, and then I realize MINE will be the same little grown up looking dude in just a year from's craziness.